Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ben and Claire in Japan

Ben and Claire came to Kyoto for a few days last week to see me and access a human ATM machine. We went around to a bunch of famous sites and to restaurants that seem ordinary to me but amazed them (plus a dinner at a woman's house I know). I'm sure they've e-mailed many of you and have their own things to say about so I'll try not to repeat it here. Anyway, here they are at the moss temple in Kyoto.

Claire managed to make a friend.

This is how I saw Ben most of the trip. With a camera in front of his eyes. In most pictures taken of him, he took the camera off his neck to create the illusion that he wasn't carrying it around everywhere.

Looking forward to the next visit!


  1. Looks like you guys are having a great time.

  2. I couldn't figure out how to post a comment previously - will see if this works now.

  3. I wish I could have come too! I'm trying to work out a time to visit. Looks like you all had a great time!
