Monday, April 19, 2010

Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka Shrine is rather prominently displayed with a bright orange gate along a major street in Kyoto. For some reason I haven't been here before this week, though I am frequently in the same area. I didn't really know where it was until I wander upon it one day and was able to read the Japanese sign. The orange theme is repeated throughout.

The entrance is often full of people taking pictures. It makes it hard to get in without ruining a photo.

Sakura around a gate inside the shrine.

Throughout the shrine were booths selling all kinds of food and other things. It was a weekday when I went and a little chilly, so many of the tents were empty. You can see some of them around this post.

Some lanterns around the shrine. Many places have lamp viewing at night, but you typically have to pay. Even if you go during the day you have to get a 'night' ticket too.

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